Aegis V1

AMM Mechanism (System)

Aegis Exchange leverages mathematical curves, in combination with Uniswap V2 and Stable pair protocols, to optimize liquidity. Depending on the asset pair, the platform selects the most suitable curve to concentrate liquidity and enhance trading efficiency.

Token Mechanism (System)

Aegis uses a dual-token model consisting of the native liquid AEG and its escrowed version xAEG. These tokens provide continuous support for Aegis Farm rewards, with xAEG being the primary supporter to reduce unchecked emissions and incentivize liquidity while maintaining protocol health.

Farming Mechanism (System)

The long-term emission strategy of Aegis will concentrate on the LSD track and blue-chip protocols that yield genuine profits. The acquisition of high-quality asset liquidity that generates real profits will be prioritized, as this is crucial for the healthy, long-term development of the protocol and the broader Arbitrum ecosystem. We believe that after the Ethereum Shanghai upgrade, LSD will drive a new round of DeFi summer.

Launchpad (System)

Aegis V1 launchpad will only focus on the sale of Aegis tokens, with V1 placing more emphasis on the team's own development. The token sale will begin at a FDV of 3 million US dollars. Please click on the launchpad (link) to view.

Last updated