Stake into Aegis

An Aegis pool can work as an additional reward pool on top of staked positions. If the pair used to create the Aegis pool is incentivized, it will allow the user to earn yield from farm incentives and that particular Aegis pool at the same time.

As an example:

  • A - User creates a staked position ETH/USDC (There is an active farm for ETH/USDC) The staked position in this instance will have yield-bearing properties. Upon depositing staked position to an Aegis pool. The user's position will earn LP trading fees and rewards from the Aegis pool as well as the yield from the farm incentives

  • B - User creates a staked position XYZ/USDC (There is no active farm for XYZ/USDC) The staked position in this instance won't have yield-bearing properties. Upon depositing staked position to an Aegis pool. The user's position will earn LP trading fees and rewards from the Aegis pool

Pages description

Aegis pools list

  1. Clicking on an Aegis Pool will take you to its page where you will find additional information

  2. Total value locked in the pool

  3. Display APR of the particular Aegis pool

  4. Clicking on add liquidity will take you to its page where you can add liquidity

  5. Your Aegis Pool

  6. Clicking on Add a Pool will take you to its page where you can add pools

  7. Search by token name or address

  8. Show or hide your Pool

Aegis pools details

  1. To add liquidity

  2. To remove Liquidity

  3. Create a pool with an LP token as a staking token and stake

  4. Create a pool with an LP token

  5. Select the token you want to pair with and enter the amount

  6. Select the token you want to pair with 5

  7. Refresh

  8. Set up Slippage Tolerance

  9. Approve

  1. Select the pair you want to remove liquidity

  2. Select the amount

  3. Approve

Last updated