Aegis Farming

Page elements

You can visit any given pair by clicking on it

  1. Total value locked in the farm

  2. Display APR of the particular farm

  3. Your position

  4. Pending AEG rewards

  5. Pending xAEG rewards

  6. You can add positions to any given pair by clicking on it

  7. Clicking on add positions will take you to its page where you can add position

Farms details

Creating a new position through the 'Create a Position' tab

  1. Click on Add & Stake if you don't have a pair

  2. Click on Stake if you already have a pair

  3. Choose the token that you want to transform into staked position

  4. Same as above

  5. Click on 'Approve Spending' and Choose the lock duration

  6. View your positions

Last updated